Election Night

If you’re planning to be up all night, watching the General Election results come in, here’s a handy crib sheet for you: Election Night Score Card! It’s easy to use and gives you the mostly likely swing seats (according to Survation) and the time you’ll see them come in. It shows…

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Grace Vincent

Grace was recently diagnosed with cancer and died at home on 25th May. John and her children were with her. Grace has touched many lives in UTU and in the Ashram Christian Community for the last fifty years and has been a member at the heart of UTU since it’s…

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Work With Us!

The Urban Theology Union is a member-led learning organisation of Christians in UK urban contexts. Our long-serving, retiring lead administrator saw us through the transition from a residential centre to our city-centre teaching unit. We are looking to employ a well-organised people-person as Office Manager for our next phase of change…

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