Welcome to phase one of our new website. Our new site is more interactive and cross-platform so we can begin to use video, podcast and text material and share it more readily among our members and friends.
The little green buttons will send you to our pages on other sites like Soundcloud and Twitter.
The new site also includes a UTU blog.
In phase two we’ll be populating the site with more content and we have a couple more plugins to add which are about making it easier for people to pay for stuff and donate.
The most exciting thing about the new site is that it allows us to communicate what we think UTU is much more clearly. UTU is somewhere you often hear the word radical. In the strictest sense this word means ‘rooted’. Our roots are as a member-led organisation which was built and run by as well as for its members; the role of staff is simply to support the members in this.
As our community of members has grown and dispersed around the country over the nearly fifty years of UTU this vision has become a real challenge. We are learning how to go back to those roots! Download a Membership Form