By The Right Reverend Stephen Platten from our AGM: 21 November 2020
Click on the link below to read Bishop Stephen’s interesting & thought-provoking address: UTU AGM 2020 Church and Kingdom
Click on the link below to read Bishop Stephen’s interesting & thought-provoking address: UTU AGM 2020 Church and Kingdom
Our 2020 Autumn Newsletter is now available.
Introducing Dr Joe Forde Joe Forde is our latest student to be awarded his PhD. Here is a little about him Can you say a little about yourself? When I am not studying I like walking our pug, gardening, listening to the radio, internet blogging, and visiting cafés with my wife, Carole. …
Meet some of our PhD cohort Our PhD cohort comes from different walks of life. We recently asked them to introduce themselves, by answering the following questions Who are you and what you do when you are not studying with UTU? What brought you to UTU? What you think is distinctive about learning…
What is it like being a participant on the course ? The spirit of the course is to encourage each person to deepen their understanding and love for God and how to live that out. There will be: sharing of ideas and experiences, articles and resources to read & books…
Certificate in Theology & Discipleship for Mission October 2020 – July 2021 The 2020-21 cohort will meet on monthly Mondays from 10am to 3pm (with an hour break for lunch) in the Urban Theology Union Library Suite at Victoria Hall Methodist Church, Sheffield. Of course, there is the possibility that…
CERTIFICATE IN THEOLOGY and DISCIPLESHIP for MISSION October 2020 – July 2021 The course will be led by: Co-ordinator: Rev Dr John J Vincent Associate Co-ordinator: Ms Erica Dunmow In addition, several UTU members and associates will join in the teaching and facilitating team. The course content is reviewed during the year, but basically consists of…
Forum for the 25th March has been postponed in compliance with the latest government advice. This is a testing time for us all. The verse which was the basis for the forum begins with “God so loved the world………” (S) He was utterly unconditional in his love for us all,…
Living with respect and confidence with people of other faiths —an exploration for Christians, led by Rev Gareth Jones. Tues 11th Feb, Tues 3rd March, Tues 31st March An increasing number of us live and work in settings where we are in contact with people of other faiths – in the…