Living with respect and confidence with people of other faiths
—an exploration for Christians, led by Rev Gareth Jones.
Tues 11th Feb, Tues 3rd March, Tues 31st March
An increasing number of us live and work in settings where we are in contact with people of other faiths – in the canteen, at the school gate, as team colleagues. Through these experiences and friendships, we may find ourselves reflecting on our understanding of our own faith. Our own certainties or understandings may well be challenged, and we may find that questions arise for us about the nature of God or the person of Jesus.
We may sometimes therefore want to explore the following thoughts:
How can we live and talk with our neighbours of other faiths with sensitivity, respect and confidence?
What are the commonalities and differences between faiths?
How can my own faith be enriched by engaging with my neighbour’s faith? Can it sometimes also feel challenged?
These are some of the questions we shall be considering together during the three one and half hour evening sessions from 7.30-9.00pm at UTU.
As we will be sharing together we ask that people come for the whole series, and there will be a fixed number in the group.
Booking:Cost £36 (£25 low income and members) for all three sessions /tel: 0114 2709907 to reserve a place or find out more about it.
Urban Theology Union, Lower Ground Floor, Victoria Hall,
Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JB (entrance opposite Superdrug in Chapelwalk)