What is it like being a participant on the course ?
The spirit of the course is to encourage each person to deepen their understanding and love for God and how to live that out.
There will be:
- sharing of ideas and experiences, articles and resources to read & books to explore.
- speakers telling how their faith has led them into different sorts of mission of word and deed.
- monthly assignments, designed to help you on your journey.
Work is not marked. Feedback from other students as well as the course leaders, is given about the ideas presented, and further reading or points that might help you develop your own understanding.
“The respect we have had for each other has been a real blessing, because it has felt like a completely safe space to share thoughts, questions, doubts and fears”
What sort of people can come ?
Anyone who wants to feel more confident as a follower of Jesus, and to know their personal mission.
New Christians will deepen their understanding of who Jesus was and what being a disciple means.
Long-term Christians will be invited to explore aspects of faith from outside their own experience and see what that teaches them.
All will experience different ways of praying and listening to God.
If you’ve done academic learning before, this course will help you put that into practice in your life.
I’ve learnt “That it matters whether or not I share my faith through my art, that I/it can make a difference.”
My biggest challenge was “Discipleship, putting Christ at the centre, and following His example”
I was challenged to: “Make a connection between work and what God wants me to be doing” ….
Challenged by “Proclamation/evangelism”
“As I progressed through the course I began to see my mission project as something personal to me / fitting within my context, which makes my mission something that is life giving to me”
“The course has helped me with a much broader definition of evangelism which has helped my fear and misunderstanding
Group learning is essential to the course:
“Learning from one another and positive feedback and encouragement with my project” are the most helpful aspects of the course for almost all attendees.