December Forum: Wednesday, 11 December 12–1.30pm
Developing the Contributions of Christian People
Erica Dunmow
The Magnificat and Brexit –
what might the churches say of relevance ?
Poverty and the plebiscite are two major issues that face this country at the moment. On the eve of the election in which the two issues are uppermost for many people, a chance to reflect on what does our Christian tradition tell us about them and are they sufficiently problematic in our country at the moment, that we ought to be speaking out more strongly about the Kingdom of Jesus ?
As usual our speaker’s theme after their address will be considered by a respondent, followed by open discussion.
All welcome – free entry
Venue: UTU’s library area, basement of Victoria Hall Methodist Church, Sheffield
(entrance in Chapel Walk)
Bring your own packed lunch, tea & coffee available.
Enquiries should be addressed to UTU: 0114 2709907/