
The Colloquium is a monthly event hosted by members of UTU and the Ashram Christian Community in Sheffield. Each month a presentation is offered on a topical issue for group discussion and theological reflection. Wednesdays 11am to 12.30 8th March Chris Sissons “Spirituality of Business” 5th April Adrian Alker “Is…

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UTU in the media

On the feast of St Stephen, I was on BBC Radio 4s ‘Beyond Belief’ debating consumerism. It was great to be able to be involved in such a lively conversation and to think about religious identity and how it is impacted by consumer culture as well as consider what we real…

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Happy New Year!

From our Director, “It’s been a huge learning curve as I’ve experienced my first four months at UTU. The staff have been incredibly encouraging and welcoming and I’ve watched them do what they do with huge admiration for their skills and experience. “I’ve been frustrated in my plans to speak…

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New Website Launched

Welcome to phase one of our new website. Our new site is more interactive and cross-platform so we can begin to use video, podcast and text material and share it more readily among our members and friends. The little green buttons will send you to our pages on other sites…

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