2nd Doctoral Seminar: 26 November 2024

UTU’s New Doctoral Seminar
Tuesday, 26 November 2024
11.15am -12.40pm
Lower Hall, Victoria Hall
Sheffield S1 2JB

Please join the 2nd UTU Seminar Day on Tuesday, 26 November, 11:30 to 12:30, for thoughtful presentations on topics that challenge as well as inform. All welcome. Arrival 11.15am for coffee/tea.

Speakers for this seminar:

Ruth Weston

Born Stroppy: Make change Happen

Ruth Weston, a Liberation Theologian and practitioner, an alumni of the book writing club and a graduate of the UTU study year in 1994 will have her book published early next year. Born Stroppy, in the tradition of Liberating Theologies, is the second step: she writes up and reflects on her experience as an activist in maternity care. She tells the story of her activism from the moment of conscientization, through years of activism, to burnout and out the other side.  Alongside the story there are strategies, tactics, good basic advice that any campaigner or activist might need to know. She also reflects deeply on what it means practically and spiritually to seek structural change in a system.  Challenging and inspiring, Ruth will give a taster of her work and invite questions and discussion on How we can Make Change Happen

Rob Hoch-Yidokodiltona

 will share from a paper he presented at the Societas Homiletica during its June meeting in the Netherlands: “Preaching that Resonates with Fractured Lands and Broken Bodies: An Indigenous Perspective”.
11.15am  Coffee
11.30am  Input/Talk/Presentation/Discussion 1
12.05         Input/Talk/Presentation/Discussion 2
12.40         Close
Contributors for future sessions are welcome: papers, book reviews, ‘bees-in-the bonnet’.
RSVP (office@utusheffield.org.uk or to Ian or Rob) would be helpful but not essential.

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