SPRING FORUM SERIES 2019: What makes a good city? Series 2
The Revd Dr John Vincent on ‘Church Policy in Sheffield’
with the Revd Nick Jowett as respondent and the Revd Phil Borkett as chair
Wednesday 13 March: 12 – 1.30pm All welcome!
As recounted in their book Inner City Testament (2017), John and Grace Vincent began their mission in inner city Sheffield nearly 50 years ago in the early 1970s. Since then, there have been huge changes both in the city and in its churches. John will reflect on the changes in church policy over this period.
A free, short lunchtime talk by a carefully selected and well informed speaker, followed by a ‘respondent’, who will give a short commentary (up to five minutes) on the main talk, before the subject is thrown open to the whole group for questioning and reflective discussion.
Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Jeremiah 29:7
UTU’s library area in the basement of Victoria Hall Methodist Church, Sheffield (entrance in Chapel Walk). Bring your own packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be available.
Enquiries to Jill, UTU administrator 0114 2709907/office@wordpress-1151684-4277157.cloudwaysapps.com